One thing I really appreciate about this organize an activity is that it was the SECOND idea. Amelia wanted to host a mental health night at her church, but didn’t receive enough support to do it. So, she had to start all over. But, in starting over, she found something very manageable that still had a personal impact on many in her church community. Amelia decided to write personal letters to folks, encouraging them to find their own faith journey. This shows that sometimes what seems like a dead end (one idea not working out) leads to a new idea better than the first! Continue reading
Project Topic: religion
Organizing a Blood Drive with the Red Cross

Jaycee admits, “When Bella and I first started this activity our goal was to have around 11 donors. We really didn’t think that we would be able to promote the event effectively. We only had two weeks to promote and we didn’t think that would be enough time to get a lot of donors. Weston [our textbook author] says, “Don’t expect that you will always know what difference you are making or have made. The ways of this world can be subtle and circuitous. Have some faith” (Weston 463). Obviously, we did not have faith at the beginning. It wasn’t until the second and last week we promoted the event at her church where our faith grew really high. We ended up having around 25 people asking to sign up for appointments. Which was awesome! ” Continue reading
Bringing a Mosque Back to Life

This student, named Jalwa, had decided to clean up her Muslim place of worship to make sure that others have a good experience while practicing their faith. On a recent trip to her family mosque, Jalwa had noticed that it was in dire need of organizing, wiping down and most importantly, a good ol’ fashioned… Continue reading
Loud Team

According to Evangelist D.L. Moody, “When you save a child, you save a life—a whole life.” And from that life, another can be affected. LOUD Team was created with the goal to provide two basic needs for children; an understanding of what worship is and why it’s important, and good role models to demonstrate and cultivate virtues. Continue reading
Creativity for Kids

“I saw the children learn and begin to apply creative skills that helped them develop personal skills over time.” Continue reading