Periods are something we usually don’t discuss much in college. But, Noelle decided it was time to broach this subject in her ethics class. She worked with an organization called “Day for Girls” to cut and sew fabric pads to be shipped to women in developing countries who may not have easy access to hygiene supplies. Noelle writes, “My friends and I all had the supplies, abilities, and time to come together and cut fabric for this wonderful cause.” Read more! Continue reading
Project Topic: hands-on
Care Kits for those Experiencing Homelessness

This group’s project making and distributing care kits for those experiencing homelessness caused them to think more deeply about the goals they were trying to achieve and how best to give “help” to others. Ashley writes, Homelessness is very tragic and sadly, very common. There are a lot of charities and organizations available that try to help people in need. Kayla, Summer, and I decided we wanted to reach out to those in need by making and distributing gift bags… My experience with this project was both eye opening and different than what I was expecting.” Read more! Continue reading
Crafts For A Cause

Vanessa made crafts and sold them to raise money for NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. After the donation was made, she also collected scarves for the homeless, and tied them around trees in downtown Minneapolis. Continue reading
Cribs For K9’s

Brady and Kennedy decided they wanted to do something concrete to help animals in their communities. They found out that many animals at shelters sleep on the concrete. They decided to seek donations of old infant crib mattresses. They solicited help in making sheets for these mattresses and picking up donations from others. Continue reading
Trails for Betterment

“Our mission is betterment…towards [mental and physical] health, nature, community building, and starting friendships.” Continue reading
Bee Friendly

“It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world” Continue reading
American Sign Language

“ASL is an incredibly beautiful language rich in history and culture, and Pacific is lacking that in their curriculum.” Continue reading
Photos for our Furry friends
Tom held a photography event; “Photos for our Furry Friends.” Participants could receive a mini session and a digital image for a donation to the Animal Humane Society. His team was able to raise supplies to help with the immediate need of pets, as well as to provide information on what the AHS does to help pets, and educational materials to bring awareness to the needs of pets and responsible pet ownership. Tom was also able to awareness to the need for pet blood donors, which will save pets lives in emergency situations. Check out his amazing video!
Recreational Activity for the Disabled (Bowling)
How did Lydia think of this project? She writes: “After reading a student past project from Britney VanBockel about advocacy training, I realized that brain injuries can occur to anyone due to car accidents, strokes, domestic violence, falls, or work place accidents… Her story made me think of another way to continue her work and… Continue reading
SMA Fundraiser

“By raising awareness of SMA in the process of raising money, we have informed some of the public about SMA and its struggles with no treatment and no cure.” Continue reading
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