For Matt and Anna’s Organized Activity, they chose to get a group of friends together to raise money for a charity by singing. Matt said, “The acoustics were wonderful. We sang our tunes we had rehearsed and in no time had a good pile of ones in our basket. . . People walked around the mall near us just to hear. We left at about 2:30 with $56.45!” Continue reading
Project Topic: fundraiser
Wings for Vets
For Amber’s Organized Activity, she decided to host a dinner and donate the proceeds to help those who have served or are currently serving in the Military. After doing some research, she found out that the restaurant Buffalo Wild Wings will donate 10% of anyone’s bill to the cause of their choice. “Confucius taught that people should focus more on others and less on themselves. By doing this activity I’m giving to others and essentially helping them keep their medical care.” Continue reading
Walking for Awareness: Eating Disorders
10 million men and 20 million women develop an eating disorder at some point in their lives. “The goal of this project is to inform our community’s youth about the dangers of eating disorders and mental illness, and to also spread the message of hope” Continue reading
Dollar Bake Sale: Food for Children
For this groups Organize an Activity, they decided to host a bake sale at Anoka-Ramsey Community College. Several different types of treats were prepared in advance, packaged and priced at $1 per treat …”At first it was a bit difficult to try and organize an activity. Our group had an issue of meeting up so we decided to do a project that could split the responsibilities.” Continue reading
Days for Girls: Organizing for Equality
Periods are something we usually don’t discuss much in college. But, Noelle decided it was time to broach this subject in her ethics class. She worked with an organization called “Day for Girls” to cut and sew fabric pads to be shipped to women in developing countries who may not have easy access to hygiene supplies. Noelle writes, “My friends and I all had the supplies, abilities, and time to come together and cut fabric for this wonderful cause.” Read more! Continue reading
Helping Rum River Life Choices
The Rum River Life Choices Center has been in Milaca, Minnesota since 1984 and one opened this fall in Princeton, Minnesota. Director, Candace Peterson said, “Over the last three years, our average new clients have ranged from 70-100 per year. Our average return client visits are between 600-800 per year.” Continue reading
A Family Promise Christmas
“My project helps demonstrate the idea that there is more to homelessness than sleeping on park benches and going to soup kitchens. …. I think it’s important that we remember that there are a lot more people struggling than we like to think about.” – Theresa Continue reading
Painting For A Cause
“It is the human’s responsibility to take care of the animals they place into captivity. Also, it is charitable to donate money to an organization that is providing to the direct needs of others, which is exactly what my project will be trying to accomplish. To me, if someone possessed these positive character traits, then they would not hesitate to try and do good for the world.” – Skye Continue reading
A Run To Remember
A Run to Remember, a 12 hour run to raise money towards the Alzheimer’s Association, was held (and raced) by Andrew on a closed track around Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, MN. Continue reading
Excitement for Education
“We are working … with Reedville Elementary’s ‘No Excuses University’ program. This program, operating from elementary to high school, teaches children that college is possible for ALL students.” Continue reading