I remember the day Lauren presented this organize an activity in class because it made me cry. One of Lauren’s family members suffered from domestic abuse, so when Lauren decided to use her artistic talents to create art, sell the paintings, and donate the money to a charity that helped her family member in the past–it was personal! Of course, I wish Lauren’s family member (and others) never had to suffer. But, I think this organize an activity captures the idea that out of great suffering can come beauty. Continue reading
Project Topic: fundraiser
Adoptable Artists Fundraiser
“This project was extremely fun and successful. I got to spend the day with the sweetest animals, and through the project we were able to raise $500 and one of the dogs (Mickey) was adopted!” Continue reading
Spreading Positivity
Dahlia wrote, “Over the course of 2-3 weeks I made approximately 65-70 pieces including keychains, earrings, rings, and coasters and most of them had positive affirmations inside. I put the affirmations inside by printing and cutting them out and then pushing them inside a clear layer of resin and letting that cure, then I added… Continue reading
Cookies Against Malaria
One thing I really appreciate about Ryan’s organize an activity is its simplicity! Anyone can organize something like this! And, I also appreciate Ryan’s honesty: he could have done even more if he started earlier. So, check out this simple, straightforward idea and see if YOU can take it to the next level. Continue reading
Raising Funds for Students in Crisis
Evelyn and Beteab had many creative ideas and weren’t sure what direction in which to go…that is until they learned about the ARCC Foundation’s goal to raise money for students in crisis. They decided to organize other students and all go help make calls on behalf of the foundation together. All funds raised help ARCC who are in crisis–a goal Evelyn and Beteab totally support! Continue reading
Painting for a Cause
One thing I love about this project: Andrew doesn’t consider himself an “artist.” He’s never sold a painting before. But, for his organize an activity, he went for it! He put his talent to use, created a beautiful piece of art, sold it to a stranger on the internet, and donated the proceeds. Andrew wrote that this project helped him increase his confidence in himself and his abilities! Continue reading
Shakespeare Workshop and Menstrual Products Drive
This project does it all! August was busy planning a drive for menstrual products when he also shared he had organized a Shakespeare Workshop for the ARCC Theatre club. August–THAT’S ALSO an organize an activity! This shows that sometimes students don’t even realize the things they are already doing meet the criteria for organizing an activity! Here, we’ll highlight all of August’s good organizing! Continue reading
Supporting St. Stephen’s Human Services
Cheyenna and Summer worked together to collect donations and fundraise for St. Stephen’s Human Services, an organization working in Minneapolis to aid those experiencing homelessness. They researched impactful, local organizations and felt St. Stephen’s fit the bill. Continue reading
Raffle to Raise Funds for Feminine Hygiene Products
Alex used his job at a local gas station near the high school he used to attend as a way to reach out into his community. He decided to set up a raffle: he asked participants to put in $2, and he would select someone to win $25. With the profits, he would purchase feminine hygiene products to donate back to the high school community. Continue reading
Donation Dive for Arrow’s Heart Animal Rescue
Check out Sara’s Organize and Activity! First, she decided to collect donations for Arrow’s Heart animal shelter. She asked friends and family to contribute. But, she ALSO wanted to truly engage her community. She reached out the PetSmart and got her boyfriend’s food truck involved. They collected donations at the PetSmart and also donated 10% of their profits from selling food to the cause. Wow! Sara says, “The Experiments in Ethics helped Sara realize how easy it is to make a change. She wrote, “It is so great that you make your class so practical and show us how to use this class in our everyday lives…We enjoyed so much doing a donation day that we talked about doing more and we have had other charities contact us and ask if we would like to be a part of ones for their organizations!! So, because of one small school project it opened the doors to do more good in this world.” Continue reading
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