Garrett wrote “Partnering with my dentist, I taught two classes of preschoolers in Pacific University’s Early Learning Program about their teeth and how to practice safe and healthy dental hygiene. I also provided the children with dental hygiene supplies and proposed future presentations at a local elementary school.” When asked what he accomplished, Garrett listed… Continue reading
Project Topic: education
Shakespeare Workshop and Menstrual Products Drive
This project does it all! August was busy planning a drive for menstrual products when he also shared he had organized a Shakespeare Workshop for the ARCC Theatre club. August–THAT’S ALSO an organize an activity! This shows that sometimes students don’t even realize the things they are already doing meet the criteria for organizing an activity! Here, we’ll highlight all of August’s good organizing! Continue reading
Cyber Security Seminar for Seniors
Gus had many different ideas about activities to organize. But, then inspiration struck as he helped his own mother deal with a question about cyber security. He wondered if others in her retirement community had similar questions. He contacted the community and got permission to hold a Q and A seminar for residents. The rest is history! Continue reading
Teaching English Language Learners
Like most students, Perla had no idea what she should do to organize an activity. But, she had connections with friends and family who were native Spanish speakers. She decided to organize and teach an English class where folks could practice their English together. This was a great activity to organize during Covid because it could be held over Zoom! Perla advertised the class, designed the curriculum, and taught her first class! Amazing! Continue reading
Teaching Meditation for Human Flourishing
In this organize an activity, Tommy lead a a class on meditation to share techniques he had learned and help others flourish. Learn more about this unique organize an activity! Continue reading
Why Is Society So F*cked Up?
The group covered the historical context, current issues and how to get involved to make real change in society. Continue reading
Sharing a Love of Reading: Collecting Books for Middle-Schoolers
“…I saw this as my way to give back, I have no use for those books I had and I wanted people to get joy out of them like I had and I wanted to encourage reading.” See how one student was able to collect and distribute approximately 200 books to middle schoolers! Continue reading
Bringing a Mosque Back to Life
This student, named Jalwa, had decided to clean up her Muslim place of worship to make sure that others have a good experience while practicing their faith. On a recent trip to her family mosque, Jalwa had noticed that it was in dire need of organizing, wiping down and most importantly, a good ol’ fashioned… Continue reading
Excitement for Education
“We are working … with Reedville Elementary’s ‘No Excuses University’ program. This program, operating from elementary to high school, teaches children that college is possible for ALL students.” Continue reading
American Sign Language
“ASL is an incredibly beautiful language rich in history and culture, and Pacific is lacking that in their curriculum.” Continue reading