This student, named Jalwa, had decided to clean up her Muslim place of worship to make sure that others have a good experience while practicing their faith. On a recent trip to her family mosque, Jalwa had noticed that it was in dire need of organizing, wiping down and most importantly, a good ol’ fashioned… Continue reading
Project Topic: community-building
Helping the Hiawatha Homeless Camp
One group decided to address a public problem of people living in a camp along a busy highway in Minneapolis. This group worked on charity by providing for the people in the camp’s direct needs. Read more! Continue reading
Gifts for the Elderly
For Amber’s Organize an Activity, she knew she wanted to help the elderly from an assisted living home nearby. While receiving help from her grandmother and her boyfriend, Amber assembled little goodie bags for the seniors that included some toiletries and handwritten Christmas cards. Together the group went and distributed the bags to the residents at the facility. Continue reading
Blankets for Chemo
For this Organized Activity, a group made several tie blankets and then to donate them to a local hospital to give to children with cancer. Continue reading
Fleece Blankets for the Homeless
For her Organized Activity, Maddie hosted a ‘Fleece Tie-Blanket Event’ through the National Honors Society at Andover High School. When explaining the process of her Organized Activity, Maddie said, “When I first began to structure the event, I did not know it would become a part of my Experiments in Ethics, or centered around ethics… Continue reading
Care Kits for those Experiencing Homelessness
This group’s project making and distributing care kits for those experiencing homelessness caused them to think more deeply about the goals they were trying to achieve and how best to give “help” to others. Ashley writes, Homelessness is very tragic and sadly, very common. There are a lot of charities and organizations available that try to help people in need. Kayla, Summer, and I decided we wanted to reach out to those in need by making and distributing gift bags… My experience with this project was both eye opening and different than what I was expecting.” Read more! Continue reading
Hotel Collection for Hygiene
“I am so happy I did this project, especially because I always thought about how wasteful it was to be throwing [hygiene items] all away when people check out of their hotel rooms, but I never took the time to try to do something about it.” Continue reading
Helping Rum River Life Choices
The Rum River Life Choices Center has been in Milaca, Minnesota since 1984 and one opened this fall in Princeton, Minnesota. Director, Candace Peterson said, “Over the last three years, our average new clients have ranged from 70-100 per year. Our average return client visits are between 600-800 per year.” Continue reading
Bringing Warmth
“For anyone experiencing financial hardships warmth becomes sacrificed. These are people that live in our community, and by working together we can take even a little bit of winter stress off those in need.” – Kyla and Marizela Continue reading
Crafts For A Cause
Vanessa made crafts and sold them to raise money for NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. After the donation was made, she also collected scarves for the homeless, and tied them around trees in downtown Minneapolis. Continue reading