I remember the day Lauren presented this organize an activity in class because it made me cry. One of Lauren’s family members suffered from domestic abuse, so when Lauren decided to use her artistic talents to create art, sell the paintings, and donate the money to a charity that helped her family member in the past–it was personal! Of course, I wish Lauren’s family member (and others) never had to suffer. But, I think this organize an activity captures the idea that out of great suffering can come beauty. Continue reading →

“This project was extremely fun and successful. I got to spend the day with the sweetest animals, and through the project we were able to raise $500 and one of the dogs (Mickey) was adopted!” Continue reading →

Dahlia wrote, “Over the course of 2-3 weeks I made approximately 65-70 pieces including keychains, earrings, rings, and coasters and most of them had positive affirmations inside. I put the affirmations inside by printing and cutting them out and then pushing them inside a clear layer of resin and letting that cure, then I added… Continue reading →

Daisy, Laura, Jasmine, Micaela, and Tamlyn hosted a ghost net craft workshop at Pacific University, in conjunction with Portland-based artist Emily Miller. Continue reading →

Vanessa made crafts and sold them to raise money for NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. After the donation was made, she also collected scarves for the homeless, and tied them around trees in downtown Minneapolis. Continue reading →

This project “strengthened my relationship with the game education community, compelling me to continue research in this field.” Continue reading →

Gifts for Good (G4G), brings together people who make crafts from things most people deem worthless or “trash”, thus keeping these items out of landfills and preventing the consumption of store-bought gifts that use earth’s resources. They sell the crafts and donate the money to local non-profits. Continue reading →

“We are raising money that will be used to further childhood cancer research and aid children who have been diagnosed with cancer, as well as supporting their families.” Continue reading →
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