This is a unique and important organize an activity because it provides an example of what is possible for students who may have challenges or obstacles in their lives. Junior has social anxiety and was very nervous about organizing an activity. Yet, he was able to organize an activity that worked for him, that he could accomplish. Here is a description of what Junior did in his own words:

I asked about 11 people I know of if they’d be willing to write a letter expressing thankfulness. 5 considered it and only 3 ended up writing one. Of the 3 submitted I can only be certain 1 of them had a positive impact for the writer and possibly the one it’s addressed to. The other two seemed to be approached more as an assignment although I’m unsure of anything past that.

What did Junior accomplish? Pay attention to the difference in Junior’s own life:

Difference made in others’ lives:

  • One of the writer’s mood improved after finishing
  • The receiver of the letter’s mood also improved as a result of it
  • The idea that expressing these feelings that are usually bottled up can have a positive effect on both the person expressing and the one receiving
  • Three people in total at least expressing those feelings to some extent
  • Hopefully in some shape or form they intend to express such feelings again in the future

Difference made in my own life

  • I became a little less afraid of asking others if they’d be willing to do something
  • Besides the above I gained knowledge knowing that if done as intended it will be a fruitful experience

Here are Junior’s tips for other–especially those that might have social anxiety:

  • Online is almost certainly better than in reality for organizing the activity
  • While it’s a good idea to ask as many as you can your friends are probably the best place to look
  • Possibly being a little less flexible and a bit more structured would help with the final result
  • If you have social anxiety or any other mental block then mentally preparing yourself beforehand would be ideal
  • If you decide to try to find strangers to ask then things like servers full of people are a good place to look even more so if you’re active there as they may take more interest

This is an activity that’s quite hard to get wrong and isn’t that bad. The only thing required to do it is a number of people you know and a way to convince them. This can be done multiple ways such as finding a forum, server, followers, or really any group of some kind. From there you create a way to convince them a message of sorts would probably suffice to get a sizable number of people however something such as an event could bring in more people. Afterwards writers can decide to do whatever they want with the paper such as sending it to another to spread such feelings.