I spent about 20 hours working with my family to go green. We carpooled, made food from scratch, reduced, reused, recycled, posted green tips on Facebook, and bought products from environmentally responsible companies. As a result, we cut our gas bill in half, we recycled about twice as many items than our garbage, had 30 followers on Facebook, and we spent about $200 at companies that support Eco-friendly activities and charities. I want to help people take care of the environment, so that there will be a clean and healthy planet for future generations. I have also learned ways in which my life raises questions about the ethical theories. For example, virtue ethics promotes the development of a character and habits that create certain virtues. It raised the question of, “How do I help others create those virtues?” I want to help my cousins develop the virtues of responsibility and care for the environment. But I can’t force someone to be responsible. I can set an example and create a positive environment for change, but in the end, it is their decision to change.

For more information, see the e-portfolio for this project.