For Matt and Anna’s Organized Activity, they chose to get a group of friends together to raise money for a charity by singing. After preparing the songs and taking some time to practice, the group originally planned on standing outside, singing songs for passerby’s and collecting any donations given. Unfortunately, singing outside didn’t bring them any donations. Matt, Anna, and their friends eventually stopped at a coffee shop inside of a mall to get out of the cold. With the help of a security guard, they soon found themselves standing in a skyway singing their hearts out. Matt said, “The acoustics were wonderful. We sang our tunes we had rehearsed and in no time had a good pile of ones in our basket. . . People walked around the mall near us just to hear.” Once inside, their donations increased!

How does this project relate to Ethics? Matt explained, “. . . not only were we donating and doing this for the public, therefore strengthening our hold on relationship ethics by using great care in what songs we picked when certain people were near to make them happiest (Rudolph for when the children were nearby, Silver Bells for when a grandparent or two took a stroll) but we could also donate to a charity from The Life You Can Save . . . called Evidence Action, providing sources of clean water as well as deworming tablets for children from North and South Africa! This way we could truly be altruistic as well as Utilitarian, doing the most good for the most people in the long run. I am truly blessed to have this opportunity and hope to be able to do it again.”

For more information, check out this e-portfolio!: